
Media Literacy through a Game

Viral Spiral is an adaptive digital card game about sharing news on the Internet. The game reflects the ways and reasons misinformation is shared, letting players experience first hand the temptation to share fake news for their own gain and face the consequences of the harm it causes around them.

The game world adapts to the decisions the players make, showing not only the impact misinformation has on the world, but how much of the larger conversation average, everyday people like the players control with small tangible actions.

The initial funding for this project came through the Pluralism and Civic Exchange grant from the Mercatus Center.

Play with Us

workshop image

We host playtests session regularly - virtual and IRL. The audiences have been researchers, media students and gamers.

Latest Blogs

Jul 15 2022
Krys Martis
Jul 15 2022
Denny George
Jul 08 2022
Adhiraj Singh
Text and illustrations on the website is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 License. The code is licensed under GPL. For data, please look at respective licenses.