Exploring contentious ideas with art

Published on Tue Aug 02 2022Denny George - Viral Spiral



We read this thought provoking article by @VidSimoniti in for @aeonmag about the function of art. Does it have a role to play in advancing the conversation about political crises?

Our take away from the article was that art can be a great way to safely explore contentious ideas. By not shaming or trying to outsmart your "opponents" and instead sitting with your thoughts and reflection on contentious issues, you learn more about yourself and the world.

One contentious issue concerning misinformation that tattle is interested in talking about is looking at individual and community accountability when it comes to the spread of misinformation. Its not always the algorithm and russian bots causing information disorder. sometimes its people acting out of their own free will colored by their prejudices and identities. sometimes its just a thirst for online clout.

We've talked about this before. We see it on whatsapp. Even in the absence of algorithmic incentives, misinformation can thrive preying on individual biases.

As a pedagogical tool Viral Spiral offers a space for a group of people to enact out a heightened version of online social dynamics. The act of forwarding a message takes a split second in real life. In the game we expand that second into the central moment in each turn. Players get to really think about all the possible ways to react to new information - keep it to you or strategically pass it forward to win clout.

We've incorporated many ideas from media literacy research into the game. A central idea we rely on is the idea of "inoculation theory". Its the idea that when exposed to subject and techniques of spreading misinformation in a safe controlled environment (meaning viral spiral here), people become attuned to spotting these tactics in the wild (meaning internet here)

The other idea we've incorporated is the idea of Lateral Reading when it comes to effectively evaluating information found on the internet. The idea that how you consume information online must differ from how you read a book or research paper.

We're also maintaining a reading list of ideas that directed the direction of VIral Spiral. https://tattle.co.in/blog/viral-spiral-reading-list

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