Software Engineer

We build tech to understand and respond to misinformation. Our work aspires to scale civic efforts to misinformation response. This includes using machine learning to categorize and classify multilingual and multimedia content, detect hate speech; creating web scrapers for sourcing content from chat apps and social media in India; building realtime multiplayer games, and increasing the efficiency of fact checking work.

About The Role

This is an entry level role (0-1 years of experience). It will entail supporting the engineering team with data analysis and front end application development. Tattle attracts people who are interested technology as well as its interaction with social processes. The work is intellectually challenging and will require the engineer to upskill fast on the job. While the work at Tattle provides opportunities to publish in academic venues, this isn't a research role.

Our Tech Stack

  • Elixir, Javascript, Python
  • Data Analysis: Jupyter, Pandas, Excel
  • Kubernetes and Docker
  • AWS : EKS, EC2, S3, RDS (Postgres), Route53 and Cloudfront
  • Github Actions

Experiences: 0-1 years

Contract Type: The role will start with a three month contract period and might change to a long term retainer structure after that. The compensation will be market competitive.

Deadline: Rolling with hard stop at September 1st.

About Tattle

  • Tattle is a FOSS project. All code is licensed under GPL, and data that is safe to open is opened under an open data license. You retain all rights to the work you do with us and aren't bound to prohibitive NDAs.

  • At Tattle, we value inter-disciplinary thinking and unconventional life experiences. We provide space to incorporate your unique learnings in all that we make.

  • We provide a stress free work environment. We have a flexible 8 hours workday policy, without any interruptions from us beyond that.

  • We are a fully remote team that communicates asynchronously.

We Value Diversity and Multiplicity of Experiences

To this end, we strongly encourage candidates, even if they feel they don't meet all the above listed criteria but find alignment with the project and are driven to learn, to apply.

Apply Here

Text and illustrations on the website is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 License. The code is licensed under GPL. For data, please look at respective licenses.